Easy Benchmarking of Long-Running Programs

Gregor von Laszewski
7 min readJun 24, 2021



We explain how we can manage long-running benchmarks. There are many useful tools to conducting benchmarks such as timeit, cprofile, line_profiler, and memry_profiler to name only a few. However, we present here an extremely easy way to obtain runtimes while dealing with the fact that they could run multiple hours or even days and could cause your system to crash. Hence if we wor to run it in a single program it will lead to a loss of information and many hours of unneeded replication.

We use and demonstrate how we achieve this with a simple StopWatch, creation of shell scripts, and even the integration of Jupyter notebooks.


As usual, we recommend that you use a virtual env. dependent on where your python 3 is installed, please adapt accordingly (python, or python3). Also, test out which version of python you have. On Windows, we assume you have gitbash installed and use it.

$ python3 -- version   # observe that you have the right version
$ python3 -m venv ~/ENV
$ source ~/ENV3/bin/activate
# or for Windows gitbash
# source ~/ENV3/Scripts/activate

System Parameters

It is essential that we benchmark programs to show their effect on the time consumed to obtain the results. Various factors play a role. This includes the number of physical computers involved, the number of processors on each computer, the number of cores on each computer, and the number of threads for each core. We can summarise these parameters as a vector such as

S(N, p, c, t)


  • S = is a placeholder for the system
  • N = Number of computers or nodes
  • p = Number of processors per node
  • c = Number of cores per processor
  • t = Number of threads per processor

In some cases, it may be more convenient to specify the total values as

S^T(N, N*p, N*p*c, N*p*c*t)


  • T = indicates total

In the case of heterogeneous systems, we define multiple such vectors to form a list of vectors. For the rest of the section, we assume the system is homogeneous.

System Information

Cloudmesh provides an easy command that can be used to obtain information to derive these values while using the command. However, it only works if the number of processors on the same node is 1.

pip install cloudmesh-cmd5
cms help # dont forget to call it after the install as it sets some defaults
cms sysinfo

The output will be looking something like

| Attribute | Value |
| cpu | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz |
| cpu_cores | 4 |
| cpu_count | 8 |
| cpu_threads | 8 |
| frequency | scpufreq(current=3100, min=3100, max=3100) |
| mem.active | 5.7 GiB |
| mem.available | 5.8 GiB |
| mem.free | 96.7 MiB |
| mem.inactive | 5.6 GiB |
| mem.percent | 63.7 % |
| mem.total | 16.0 GiB |
| mem.used | 8.2 GiB |
| mem.wired | 2.4 GiB |
| platform.version | 10.16 |
| python | 3.9.5 (v3.9.5:0a7dcbdb13, ...) |
| | [Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] |
| python.pip | 21.1.2 |
| python.version | 3.9.5 |
| sys.platform | darwin |
| uname.machine | x86_64 |
| uname.node | mycomputer |
| uname.processor | i386 | | uname.release | 20.5.0 |
| uname.system | Darwin |
| uname.version | Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: .... |
| user | gregor |

To obtain the vectors you can say

cms sysinfo -v
cms sysinfo -t

where -v specifies the vector and -t the totals. Knowing these values will help you structure your benchmarks.


A benchmark is typically run while iterating over a number of parameters and measuring some system parameters that are relevant for the benchmark, such as the runtime of the program or application. Let us assume our application is called f and its parameters are x and y.To create benchmarks over x and y we can generate them in various ways.

Python only Solution

For all programs, we will store the output of the benchmarks in a directory called benchmark. Please create it.

$ mkdir benchmark

you may be able to run your benchmark simply as a loop this is especially the case for smaller benchmarks.

import pickle
from cloudmesh.common.StopWatch import StopWatch
def f(x,y, print_benchmark=False, checkpoint=True):
# run your application with values x and y
print (f"Calculate f({x},{y})")
result = x*y
if print_benchmark:
if checkpoint:
pickle.dump(result, open(f"benchmark/f-{x}-{y}.pkl", "wb" ))
return result
x_min = 0
x_max = 2
d_x = 1
y_min = 0
y_max = 1
d_y = 1
for x in range(x_min, x_max, dx):
for y in range(y_min, y_max, dy):
# run the function with parameters
result = f(x ,y, print_benchmark=True)
# checkpoit result to disk

Script solution

In some cases, the functions themselves may be large and in case the benchmark causes a crash of the python program executing it we would have to start over. In such cases, it is better to develop scripts that take parameters so we can execute the program through shell scripts and exclude those that fail. For this, we rewrite the python program via command-line arguments that we pass along.

# stored in file f.py
import click
@click.option('--x', default=20, help='The x value')
@click.option('--x', default=40, help='The y value')
@click.option('--print_benchmark', default=True, help='prints the benchmark result')
@click.option('--checkpoint', default=True, help='Creates a checkpoint')
f(x,y, print_benchmark=False, checkpoint=True):
... see previous program
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':

Now we can run this program with

$ python f.py --x 10 --y 5

To generate now the different runs from the loop we can do it either via Makefiles or write a program creating commands where we produce a script listing each invocation. Let us call this program sweep-generator.py.

# stored in file sweep-generator.py
x_min = 0
x_max = 2
d_x = 1
y_min = 0
y_max = 1
d_y = 1
for x in range(x_min, x_max, dx):
for y in range(y_min, y_max, dy):
print (f"cms banner f({x}, {y}; "
f"python f.py --x {x} --y {y}")

The result will be

cms banner f(0,0); python f.py --x 0 --y 0

and so on. The banner will print a nice banner before you execute the real function so it is easier to monitor when execution. To create a shell script, simply redirect it into a file such as

$ python sweep-generator.py > sweep.sh

Now you can execute it with

$ sh sweep.sh | tee result.log

The “tee” command will redirect the output to the file result, while still reporting its progress on the terminal. In case you want to run it without monitoring or tee is not supported properly you just run it as

$ sh sweep.sh >> result.log

In case you need to monitor the progress for the latter you can use

$ tail -f result.log

The advantage of this approach is that you can in case of a failure identify which benchmarks succeeded and exclude them from your next run of sweep.sh so you do not have to redo them. This may be useful if you identify that you ran out of resources for a parameterized run and it crashed.

Integrating Timers

The beauty about cloudmesh is that it has built-in timers and if properly used we can use them even across different invocations of the function f. This timer is meant only for long-running functions.

We simply have to fgrep to the log file to extract the information in the csv lines with

fgrep "#csv" benchmark/result*.log

This can then be further post-processed.

Cloudmesh also includes a cloudmesh.Shell.cm_grep, cloudmesh.common.readfile, and other useful functions to make the processing of shell scripts and their output easier.

Integration of Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter notebooks provide a simple mechanism to prototype. However, how do we now integrate them into a benchmarking suite? Certainly, we can just create the loop in the notebooks conducting the parameter sweep, but in case of a crash, this becomes highly unscalable. So what we have to do is augment a notebook so that we can

  1. pass along the parameters,
  2. execute it from the command line.

For this, we use papermill that allows us to just do these two tasks. Install it with

pip install papermill

Then when you open up jupyter-lablab and import our code. Create a new cell. In this cell you place all parameters for your run that you like to modify such as

x = 0 y = 0

This cell can be augmented with a tag called “parameters”. To do this open the “cog” and enter in the tag name “parameters”. Make sure you save the tag and the notebook. Now we can use “papermill” to run our notebook with parameters such as

$ mkdir benchmark
$ papermill sweep.ipynb benchmark/sweep-0-0.ipynb --x 0 --y 0 | tee benchmark/result-0-0.log

Naturally, we can auto-generate this as follows

x_min = 0
x_max = 2
d_x = 1
y_min = 0
y_max = 1
d_y = 1
for x in range(x_min, x_max, dx):
for y in range(y_min, y_max, dy):
print (f"cms banner f({x}, {y}; "
f"papermill sweep.ipynb"
f" benchmark/sweep-{x}-{y}.ipynb"
f" --x {x} --y {y}"
f" | tee benchmark/result-{x}-{y}.log")

This will produce a series of commands that we can also redirect into a shell script and then execute.

Combining the logs

As we have the logs all in the benchmark directory, we can even combine them and select the csv lines with

$ cat benchmark/*.log | fgrep "#csv"

Now you can apply further processing such as importing it into pandas or any other spreadsheet-like tools you like to use for the analysis.

How to Apply it to your AI and DL Program

Simple put your AI or deep learning algorithm into a function and pass the appropriate parameters. Then just use the template we discussed here.



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